Belt press is designed for continuous juiceextraction from chopped fruits without previous necessity of
enzymatictreatment. The juice extraction is obtained by increasing the pressure on thefruits cake placed
between the two running belts. The fruit cake is conveyed onthe upper belt where is uniformly distributed. After its conveying on the lowerbelt, the fruits cake is subjected to a further increasing of pressure byapproaching the two belts toward the wedge zone. In the pressure zone, the cakecontained between the two belts, follows an S pattern around the rolls with thedifferent and decreasing diameter.
Rating capability: 1-10 tons/hour
Belt width: 1200mm
Belt strainer: 40-50 mesh
Dimensions: 4500*1800*2505mm (L*W*H)
Weight: 4200Kg
Compressed air consumption: 0.3M3/Min, 0.8MPa
Main material: SUS 304 Stainless Steel
Incorporated with Italian technology, continuous operation.
High-automatic and the whole produce including extracting, clearingthe leavings and belt washing
are controlled by PLC.
Extraction rate based on: 70%
The whole extraction last only one to two minutes, which canensure the freshness at maximum extent. Widely applicable to extract juice frombacca, drupe and other vegetable with high extraction efficiency, easymaintenance, continuous operation etc
Matched with the belt washing recyclesystem, the water consumption will be greatly saved.
Main electric or pneumatic componentfrom famous foreign brand
such as Omron, Schneider.